
Friday, August 13, 2021

the amazing sun

The sun is amazing it is ssoooo! Bright it is a big hot star . The sun is the biggest star in our solar system . If we dident have a sun we wouldn't be aboul to see because there whould be no light . the sun is 93 million miles away from earth that is the perfect amount away from earth if we were too close to the sun we would be too hot and if were too far away from it we would be super cold . The sun is made out of hydrogen and helium. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Elijah!
    Such great writing about the Sun, I've learned so much! Isn't it lucky we're just the right distance from the Sun! Next time, what could you tell us about the other things in the Solar System?
    Nic (Intern Teacher)


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