
Thursday, July 1, 2021

kupe and the wheke

 Kupe was on finding fish one day for his people on his island and he found a lote of them he brouht it back to his island and went back fishing and found some yukey green slime . He came back to his island and went into the old shed i the shed there was an man in their he had an wheke kupe tryed to kill the wheke kupe and his wife found a big island (and they named it aotearoa ) and then kupes wife found a big long white cloud and she named it land of the long white cloud . aotearoa and she cowt the wheke and kupe killed the wheke and went back to his island and brouht the whekes eyes back and put them in a big rock and kupe went back sailing to his island and told his people that he found land he and his people went sailing to the island and told his people that he found land kupe and every one on kupes island went to the island

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